When You Just Feel Crappy, 50@50, Lesson 11


Life Lesson 11

Perspective, I need perspective. 

Some days you wake up and you are not sick, but you just feel crappy. It’s those days when you can’t find your keys, your wallet, you cut yourself shaving, your clothes are too tight, you feel like you have been drunk for a week and someone hid everything from you. You don’t need some medicine to take because that will not make you better. You do not need someone telling you how forgetful you are because you already know that. You know you have Jesus and that’s good but at the moment doesn’t change things. You are ill (bad attitude, not sick) for no reason and now you have made everyone ill (bad attitude, not sickness) around you.

Nice start to the day isn’t it. I know I might be the only person that ever has those days but this will help you understand those around you who do. What it takes to help on those days is PERSPECTIVE. This now will turn into a “Jesus Juke” of sorts.


true understanding of the relative importance of things;

I have clean water.

I woke up in a nice bed.

I have toothpaste.

I have food.

I have coffee.

I have health.

I have a home.

I have a car.

I have a wife.

I have kids.

I have a job.

I have friends.

I even have a dog (no cats please).

I have so much.

The Spiritual

I have salvation.

I have Jesus.

I have the Holy Spirit.

I have God’s love.

I have God’s loyalty.

I have a Bible.

I have a church family.

I have eternity.

I start the day with more than most of the world.

When I feel crappy,

I need perspective.