We Are Entertained By Sin!

When a filter is dirty it ceases to do its job correctly. It begins to let dirt, grit and grim get to places it is not suppose to get to. The filter when clean can drastically reduce problems. I never can remember to change filters.

 On the other hand, don’t be gullible. Check out everything, and keep only what’s good. Throw out anything tainted with evil. (1 Thess 5:21-22, MSG)

 I read this question this morning in my daily devotion, Soul Detox on YouVersion,

“Are you entertained by sin?”

You have heard the joke that you know is sin but its too good not to tell someone. When you read it you respond with LMAO (If you don’t know what that means, ask your kids). 

You have went to the movie that you know is filled with sin, but you tell your friends it is a good movie. Oh, it has a couple of bad parts, but it is really good.

You have watched the television show where adultery is not only tolerated but celebration. You have to watch those housewives you know.

I went to see Richard Pryor when I was young. I think I laughed for 2 hours. I know it was two hours of laughing at sin.

Or yours might be of the cleaner version. You love to watch and possible participate in the political hate news. I’m sure you have PHN as one of your favorite news channels.

Go ahead and call me a legalist. Legalism is trying to earn God’s acceptance through rule keeping. Holiness is seeking to keep the junk out of my life.

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